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UTJ Statement Regarding the Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald Trump

Contact: The Union for Traditional Judaism, office@utj.org, (914) 662-9649

The Union for Traditional Judaism expresses its shock and horror regarding the recent attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump.

It is incumbent on all people of faith to consider how such evil enters the mind of any human being and to temper our expressions, even of deeply held feelings, so that they do not contribute, however unintentionally, to such terrible acts.

In the tractate of the Mishnah called Pirkei Avot, known as the Ethics of the Fathers, composed over 2000 years ago, we are told: “Hakhamim hizaharu bedivreikhem” (Wise ones, be cautious in your speech). Two millennia ago, when communication was primarily word of mouth without media enhancement, our teachers warned of the dangerous  reverberations of incautious speech. How much moreso today?

The UTJ expresses its condolences to the family of Corey Comperatore, who was murdered in the attack and prays for a speedy recovery for President Trump as well as to anyone who was severely injured or traumatized by this event.  We pray that this terrible act will lead us all to a better place in a more unified and thoughtful America.

About the Union for Traditional Judaism

The Union for Traditional Judaism (UTJ) is a group of rabbis, scholars, and laypeople who advocate for a passionate, open-minded approach to Torah study and observance of Jewish law (Halakhah) rooted in classical religious sources and informed by modern scholarship.

Please see our policy regarding statements on current events.