1. Ruling on halachic decisions. (The Rabbi is the Mara D'atra, the Rabbinic authority of the
2. Attendance at Minyanim (except for conflict with other Rabbinic duties, vacation/off days, occasional personal time, and emergencies.)
3. Teaching Torah and other classes.
4. Delivering sermons on Shabbat and Holydays.
5. Writing articles for the Congregation and/or the community.
6. Visiting and calling the sick, as warranted.
7. Attendance at Board and Congregational meetings, and at other meetings generally
related to Rabbinic work.
8. Officiating at life-cycle events.
9. Meeting with individuals and families (as requested).
10. Personal and family counseling (as needed).
11. Representing the Congregation in the Jewish and general community.
12. Maintaining a discretionary fund to support the needy and other causes.