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Charlottesville and the Jewish Question

Articles, Modern Judaism, Politics

by Doug Aronin

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are that of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the Union for Traditional Judaism, unless otherwise indicated.

In his Times of Israel blog post, Doug Aronin discusses the Jewish community should be particularly concerned about the events in Charlottesville.

Some Jews appear to believe that we have no dog in this fight, but that is a dangerous delusion.  It is true that few Jews have much of an emotional investment, one way or the other, in the fate of Robert E. Lee’s statues or the display of the Confederate battle flag, but those are not the main issue.  The alt-right leadership (David Duke, Richard Spencer, et al.) is openly anti-Semitic and makes no effort to hide it.  One of the chants picked up by the crowd at the Charlottesville rally was: “Jews will not replace us.” The implications of that chant should frighten us.

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