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The Perils of Xenophobia: Jewish Thoughts on the Immigration Debate

Articles, Modern Judaism, Politics

by Doug Aronin

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are that of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the Union for Traditional Judaism, unless otherwise indicated.

In his Times of Israel blog post, Doug Aronin discusses the history of American immigration and the unique Jewish perspective on the issue.

Many Jews feel torn by the immigration debate.  We have too often in our history been the scapegoats of choice for tyrants and demagogues to feel entirely comfortable siding with the forces of xenophobia.  Most of us, moreover, remember immigrant relatives and have a natural feeling of solidarity with those who have, as our grandparents did, sought the freedom and prosperity in which America has enabled so many to share.

There is, however, another side to Jewish feelings.  It would be foolish to deny that there is a growing concern among some Jews that increased Muslim immigration will not only dilute Jewish political influence, weakening American support for Israel, but also ultimately (as has happened in some European countries), come to threaten Jewish safety.

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