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Comparison to Holocaust is Offensive

Holocaust, Modern Judaism, Politics

by Rabbi Baruch Melman

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are that of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the Union for Traditional Judaism, unless otherwise indicated.

Viewpoints contributor Rabbi Baruch Melman and Rev. Marilyn D. Smith and Robin Smith, Labor of Love USA, write about the use of Holocaust comparisons in this article in the Pocono Record.

Everyone feels for the plight of the would-be immigrants who are being detained in overcrowded detention centers. But to call these detention centers concentration camps is highly offensive and inflammatory and insulting to the memories of the millions who perished in the Holocaust.

… the term concentration camp, because of this horrific historical association, has become Holy, or set apart, and should never be used in any other context, as it cheapens and sanitizes the term, and by extension, the Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jewish people. …

We could all work together for justice, but not at the price of such blatant disrespect.

Read more at https://www.poconorecord.com/news/20190812/our-turn-comparison-to-holocaust-is-offensive

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