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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are that of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the Union for Traditional Judaism, unless otherwise indicated.

ARTICLE (Reprinted from The Times of Israel)

The Yom Kippur Diet: Mom Edition

by Sharon Weiss-Greenberg
October 6, 2016

Categories: High Holidays, Holidays, Holidays, Women's Forum
ARTICLE (Reprinted from MyJewishLearning.com)

Rosh Hashanah from the Other Side

by Sharon Weiss-Greenberg
October 5, 2016

Categories: High Holidays, Holidays, Holidays, Modern Judaism, Women's Forum
ARTICLE (Reprinted from The New York Jewish Week)

Rosh Hashanah, And The Shared Power Of Heaven And Humans

by Temima Goldberg Shulman
September 26, 2016

Categories: Articles, High Holidays, Holidays, Holidays, Modern Judaism

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