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(Video) Nasso 5781 – Exposing Hamas

Israel, Politics, Women's Forum

by Rabbi Steven Saks

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are that of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the Union for Traditional Judaism, unless otherwise indicated.

Nasso 5781 – Exposing Hamas By Rabbi Steven Saks

It’s our obligation to support Israel. Here is how we can. Here are two Call to Action letters to help.


Israel Under Attack: Let’s Do Our Part – Donate to the Bayit Brigade

Shalom Chaverim,

The matsav (situation) in Israel is deeply troubling. Again, our brothers and sisters in Israel have been forced by terrorists to take refuge in shelters. We must show our solidarity with our fellow Jews who are on the front line of our battle, the battle for the one Jewish State. Not only is it important that Israel receive support from diaspora Jewry, it is also important that we in the diaspora feel that we have a role in preserving the Jewish homeland.

I am asking that you donate to my discretionary fund so I can make a generous contribution to The Bayit Brigade on behalf of Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth. The Bayit Brigade helps Lone Soldiers (people who move to Israel without family and serve in the army) find a home. I have chosen this organization because of the wonderful work it does and because there is a Delaware connection. Mara Seidel, daughter of Jeff & Dianne, who made aliyah, works for the Bayit Brigade. By supporting this organization, we are supporting Israel and olim (those who immigrate there).

Aaron Loyn, president and founder of the Bayit Brigade, just reported:

“We are taking steps on the ground to support our soldiers. We have one new soldier that was called to the Gaza border within the last 24 hours. He was in the process of moving and was unable to move his belongings into his room. We are working hard to furnish and complete his room so he’ll have a personal space to return to where he can rest and regroup. It’s with the ongoing support of our donors that we are able to ensure everything will be in place for his heroic return. Thank you.”

For more information about the Bayit Brigade, please visit https://www.bayitbrigade.org .

Thank you for joining me in showing our support for Medinat Yisrael (the State of Israel).

To contribute please make out a check to:

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund, AKSE
Memo: Bayit Brigade

and send to:
AKSE, 2412 Pennsylvania Ave., Wilmington, DE 19806
Todah Rabbah & Am Yisrael Chai,

Rabbi Steven Saks

Israel Under Attack  – Suggested Letter to Politicians and Press Outlets

Shalom Chaverim,

Please see the letter below regarding the terror assault on Israel. I have sent it to our Senators, Congresswoman and will be sending this to the News Journal and Jewish Voice.

Please consider signing your own name to this letter and sending it to our Senators and Congresswoman.

Senator Chris Coons https://www.coons.senate.gov/contact/share-your-opinion

Senator Tom Carper  https://www.carper.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/email-senator-carper

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester https://bluntrochester.house.gov/contact/

Todah Rabbah

Rabbi Steven Saks

Spiritual Leader, Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth  of Wilmington , DE

President Biden is to be commended for affirming his “unwavering support” for Israel and Israel’s “legitimate right to defend itself and its people while protecting civilians.”

However, dispatching Hady Amr, the now Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for “Israel-Palestine,” to “de-escalate the fighting” between Israel and Hamas undercuts his “unwavering support.” Amr has said he was “inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” and accused Israel of ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

Furthermore, by restoring to the Palestinian Authority the funding that had been suspended because it was used to fund terrorism, Washington has sent the message that the Palestinians will again not be held accountable.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated he has “serious concerns” about the potential eviction of Palestinian families from their homes and Israel’s behavior on the Temple Mount. But the rent dispute in the Sheikh Jarrah district of Jerusalem, in which Palestinian tenants are refusing to pay their Israeli landlords, was just a pretext, not a justification, for launching deadly missile attacks upon Israeli civilians. And Israeli police only went into Al-Aqsa mosque after it had turned it into a theater of war, a place to stockpile rocks and petrol bombs that were hurled at Jews and police.

To his credit, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has emphasized that “there is a very clear and absolute distinction between the terrorist organization Hamas that is indiscriminately raining down rockets targeting civilians, and Israel’s response defending itself, targeting the terrorists raining down rockets on Israel.”

Israel should not be criticized for the higher number of Palestinian casualties. Israel makes every effort to protect its own population and to limit collateral damage among Palestinian civilians. Hamas launches missiles from civilian areas using civilians as human shields in hopes that Israeli retaliatory strikes will kill these civilians. Blaming Israel for harming these human shields hands Hamas a propaganda victory and only encourages them to sacrifice more civilians.

The Biden administration should be urged by members of Congress:

  • Not to appointment people who have a track record of making antisemitic statements.

  • Not to provide funding to the Palestinian Authority until it forsakes terrorism.

  • Not to make or tolerate false moral equivalences.

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