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  • For Coronavirus Shortened Minyanim, Daven Through Yishtabach At Home

    …נא, ובהרד”א ועוד. וע’ בהגהות מהר”ץ חיות (מגילה יב:) שזה אחד מן המאמרים שהוזכרו בראשונים בשם הירושלמי ולא נמצאו בירוש’ שלפנינו. [5] The term פורס את שמע means to recite…

  • Observing the Second Day of Yom Tov in Israel and the Diaspora When One is a Visitor

    …to impose on itself a stringency; in that case, a person who comes to that town must observe that stringency, even if he intends to return to his home, so…

  • Coronavirus: Halachic Concepts of Danger, Financial Loss, and Judgment

    …Aramaic texts, I have translated all sources into English but retained key rabbinic terms that I both transliterate and translate. I make the following arguments from halachah, from the teaching…

  • Vayakhel – Wisdom v Knowledge

    …We read about the Jewish people collectively taking part in building the Tabernacle. In referring to the talents of each individual the Torah uses the term “Chacham Lev”, “wise-hearted.” (Exodus…

  • Reactions To Rabbi Gradofsky’s Response Regarding Telephonic Megillah Reading

    …and possessing the learning, courage, and integrity to seek the absolute “truth” as a finite, mortal human being in search of the Numinous Ding en sich, the “thing-in-itself,” to approximate…

  • Response to Rabbi Alan J. Yuter Regarding Live Stream Megillah During Quarantine

    term to mean any form of reproduced sound, including an echo. Indeed, a number of translators render the term as “echo” (see e.g. Soncino Talmud). However, Marcus Danby renders the…

  • The term Halakhah and Its Implications for Jewish Life – Lieberman Yahrzeit Lecture

  • Life Lessons I Learned from Super Bowl XI

    …caught up in pursuing victory – achievement of our short-term objectives- that we put human life and health at risk. I write these words during the week in which Barry…

  • Yom Kippur – Anti-Semitism – Stage 4

    …an attempt to save their souls and to murderous pogroms. Ironically, the third mutation of anti-Semitism was born during the Enlightenment. In 1879 Wilhelm Marr coined a new term “anti-Semitism.”…

  • Does It Matter If Your Dog Eats Toothpaste?

    …using the term מותר”” (meaning it is permitted) indicates a Torah prohibition. See also Taz’s strong critique of R. Karo’s analysis at Taz 442:1, particularly starting with “כתב ב”י ומ”ש…

  • The Haftarah for Yom Kippur Morning

    Please note that the text below is included for search engine purposes, but the best way to view this document is through the pdf embedded above (or reachable here) as…

  • Shoftim: “The Space-Time Continuum”

    …the Biblical prohibition against moving a homeowner’s fencepost to morph into a grander rule beyond its original intent. Thus, the term “Hasagat G’vul” was used in Sifre (Devarim, 188) in…